The Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between our Customer(s) (“Client(s)”) and Closers Klub (“Services Provider”) for the provision of caller services. The Services Provider agrees to deliver a range of services, including platform training, virtual assistant coaching, daily text campaigns, cold calling, skip tracing, communication with the Client, real-time campaign access, and providing reports. The Client agrees to pay the previously agreed fee per Campaign, which covers a pre-determined number of touches (calls and texts) and is non-refundable. Additional costs may be incurred such as: LLC set up, Skiptracing, entity search, etc. Such additional charges are non- refundable. The Agreement commences upon acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and can be terminated by either party without notice or penalties. The Services Provider agrees to maintain confidentiality and not disclose any infomation to third parties without prior written consent from the Client(s). The Client(s) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Services Provider from any claims or liabilities arising from the services provided. The Services Provider warrants its ability to perform the services professionally. This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and cannot be amended except in writing signed by both parties. The Agreement is governed by the laws of Massachusetts.